Current European Projects:
“Research on good practices in drug addiction and rehabilitation issues, through ECETT network“
The program is part of the Basic Action KA1: Learning Person’s Mobility and lasts 24 months (1/10/2017-30/9/2019). Cooperating organizations:
Association “Friends of Argo” (LEADER)
CEID Addictions, France | Projecte Home, Spain | ECEtt, Belgium |
ECEtt Network has given the opportunity to many European associates to exchange knowledge and build a database of “good practices” concerning addiction treatment methods. The program’s main goal is to allow the continuation of exchanges of “good practices” in the field of addiction.
The goals of the training program are:
The transfer of experience between the therapeutic communities
The Exchange of good practices through international exchanges
The improvement and acquirement of knowledge and experience on related issues
Past European Projects:
1. Von EU bis zivilcourage inklusive: ein seminar-project fur menschen mit und ohne behinderung (2007)
Project no.: 07-GRC01-GR04-00020-1
Partnership integrated in the Grundvig project.
Part of LEONARDO DA VINCI PLM (People in the Labour Market), duration 12 months.
Cooperating organizations:
Special Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki/“ARGO”
3. Development Partnership «Shedia» (2012)
Project no.: OPS 375989
Approved TOPEKO action titled: «Local Scheme for the Integration of Former Substance Users in the Labor Market of the Prefecture of Thessaloniki», integrated in Action 3 «Local Scheme for the Social Integration of Vulnerable Groups» of intervention category 1: «Preventing and addressing the social exclusion of vulnerable groups of the population» of the Thematic Priority Axis 4 «Full integration of all human resources into a society of equal opportunities» of the Operational Program “Human Resource Development”2007-2013, co-financed by the European Social Fund.
Cooperating organizations:
- Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki
- Prevention Center “Pyxida”
- Prevention Center “Elpida”
- Prevention Center “Seirios”
- Prevention Center of the western district of Thessaloniki “Network Alpha”
- Professional Chamber of Thessaloniki
- Municipal Society of Information, Spectrum and Communication of the Municipality of Thessaloniki
- Platon, Technology & Development Consultants
4. “Research on good practices in drug addiction and rehabilitation issues, through ECETT network“
The program is part of the Basic Action KA1: Learning Person’s Mobility and lasts 24 months (1/9/2015-1/9/2017). Cooperating organizations:
General Hospital of Thessaloniki “G. Papanikolaou” – Organic Unit Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki – “ARGO” (LEADER)
Magdalena OPS, Chech Republic |
Phoenix Futures, UK
ECEtt, Belgium |
5. “Strategic partnership and training on the use of Music as an additive treatment modality in the detoxification and rehabilitation processes of individuals suffering from drug dependence”
The program belongs to the Basic Action ΚΑ2: Collaboration for Innovation and Good Practices’ Exchange and lasts 36 months (from 01-09-2015 until 01-09-2018).
Collaborating organizations:
University of Macedonia, Faculty of the Science of Music and Art (LEADER) | ||
General Hospital of Thessaloniki “G. Papanikolaou” – Organic Unit Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki – “ARGO” | University of Nimes, School of Psychology |
Partners for Youth Empowerment, UK |
Research Unit
Address: 196 Lagada, Stavroupoli
tel.: (+30) 2313 324 648