It is with great pleasure and honor that we present the publication of the annual report of the Alternative Program for Addicted Individuals “ARGO” for the year 2021. The annual and public edition of the annual report of “ARGO” is a pioneer project in the context of the health services of the National Health System, starting in 2014. The edition records in just a few pages the entire range of services and activities of ” ARGO” for the year 2021 and presents the qualitative and quantitative data concerning the recipients of the services offered by the Program.
If 2020 was the year of shock with the appearance of the coronavirus, 2021 was the year we learned to live with it, as well as with the necessary health measures aimed at limiting its spread. The attempt to adapt to these new conditions with the use of digital means of communication in the therapeutic procedures, but also the re-start of the services in person, were the big bets of the year, especially for the ambulatory addiction services, such as ARGO, which were more affected by the health measures for the confinement of the virus.
Download the 2021 annual report: